Basic Training - Preparing for Battle

Objective - Students will recognize the power of using Scripture to confront temptations and will be compelled to systematically memorize Bible verses to help them defeat sin.

Key Scripture - Psalm 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

Summary - This lesson was the third lesson of a four-part spiritual boot camp series called Basic Training: Preparation for Spiritual Life. The four lessons in this series focused on various essentials that every follower of Jesus needs in order to be a great soldier in God’s army. This week’s lesson focused on the need for students to hide God’s Word in their hearts (i.e., memorize Scripture).

By looking at the weapons of First Century Roman soldiers, we learned the importance of having both a sword and shield. The Bible compares itself with a sword and encourages us to have the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16-17). The central idea of the lesson was to learn how to wield the Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word) in such a way as to allow it to defeat the sin that tries to defeat us. We learned that when we hide God’s Word in our hearts (i.e., memorize it), it helps us to win against sin.

The students were encouraged to memorize a verse of Scripture that would help them defeat the sin that they so easily fall into. We shared a resource that you may find to be a great tool when helping your student find verses this week that apply to whatever situation they face each day. Click on this link below to help you find verses that speak directly to specific topics,

(Simply scroll to the bottom of this post to see 20 different topics the students can memorize scripture on. Bonus! These also count for credit toward completion of the Creative Discipleship Program!)


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