Show and Tell

Objective - Students will learn how and be encouraged to communicate the Gospel with those closest to them through praying, investing, and inviting.

Key Scripture - Mark 5:19 

"However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them

what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you."

Key Thought - Show and tell God’s love.

Lesson Summary - Today’s lesson was part of a four-lesson series called “The Basics: Simple Truth for Christian Living.” The four topics in this series discuss four basic truths for every follower of Christ. In tonight’s lesson, we looked at a simple method to turn our world upside down for Christ through our responsibility to get the Gospel to those in our lives. This method included three practical steps in reaching people for Christ: first, praying for a small group of people; second, showing the love of Christ to those people by investing in them; third, personally inviting them to believe in Jesus as Savior.

Praying, investing, and inviting combines the power of prayer, love, and the Gospel as a way of communicating the Good News with those we know. We call it the Cause Circle because it helps us focus on the great cause of Christ (the Gospel) with those in our circle of influence. We challenged the students to do one or more of the following:

Ask God to give you the desire to see people come to Christ.


Think of a few specific people who don’t know Christ. Write their names down and begin praying for them.


Write some ideas of how you can invest in the people for whom you are praying to trust Christ.


 Look for ways to invite your friends to trust Christ as Savior.


Ask your student how he/she responded to this challenge. Perhaps you could offer to pray for these friends with your student and/or begin your own Cause Circle.


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