Parent Connection 6.27.21


How Can I Know The Bible Is True?

Objective: Students will learn that the Bible is trustworthy and true and will be challenged to discuss this truth with others.

Key Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16

Key Thought: The Bible is Reliable!

Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was the first of a four-part series on apologetics called, “Asking for a Friend: Questions You are Allowed to Ask in Church.” We have communicated to your teen that the church is a safe place to ask hard questions. The lessons are designed to help your teen apologetically. The word “apologetics” simply means “a defense for the Christian faith using reason and evidence.” Over the course of this study, we will be answering tough questions that people have been asking for centuries.

Tonight, we tackled the first question: “How can I know the Bible is true?” We looked at three key pieces of evidence showing the reliability of the Bible.

The New Testament was written by, and based on the testimony of, eyewitnesses of the actual events of that time.

All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God. The definition of “inspiration” is “God’s oversight and management of the human authors of the Bible so that, using their own personalities, they composed and recorded without error His revelation to man.” In other words, God breathed and the people accurately compiled His message.

The historical evidence and ancient manuscript support for the reliability of the Bible. For example, we have a fragment of a copy of John’s Gospel dated within 40 years of its original writing (John Rylands Papyri) and a near-complete copy of the New Testament dating within 100-150 years of its original composition (Chester Beatty Papyri). In all, we have over 23,000 New Testament manuscripts.

Ask your teen to share with you what one piece of evidence is the most powerful to them and why. We also gave your teen a list of potential resources for additional research so he/she can be prepared to give an answer and boldly stand for the reliability of the Bible. Here is the list that we gave to your teen. Consider investigating one of these resources with your teen.

·         The Apologetics Study Bible: Understand Why You Believe. Nashville, Tenn.: Holman Bible, 2007

·         Apologetics Study Bible for Students: Hard Questions, Straight Answers. Nashville, Tennessee: Holman Bible, 2009

·         Focus on the Family:

·         Summit Ministries:

·         RBC Ministries. 10 Reasons to Believe in the Bible. 2009.

·         RBC Ministries. Can I Really Trust The Bible?

·         The Cold Case Christianity Website and App



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