Tough Topic - Put Your Money Where Your Faith Is


Objective - 

Students will learn the biblical approach to financial stewardship and will be challenged to adopt the habit of giving, saving, then spending.

Key Scripture - 

1 Corinthians 4:2 - Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.

Key Thought -

Manage God’s money God’s way.

Lesson Summary - 

Today’s lesson is part of a four-part series called Tough Topics. Although this series covers a variety of issues, this lesson taught your student the counter-cultural concept that the money we have doesn’t truly belong to us; we’re merely stewards or managers of what already belongs to God. All money is God’s money that He is simply letting us use. The students were taught that a wise way to use money is to give first, save second, and then spend last. 

Students have been encouraged to think about how generously they can give, how wisely they can save (and invest), and how discerningly they can spend. As a practical way to manage the money they receive, they were encouraged to place any cash they receive (from a job or as a gift) into envelopes, one labeled “Give,” another “Save,” and the third, “Spend.” If they don’t use cash, they were instructed to write down every penny they earn and in which of the three categories it belongs.

Does your family follow a budget? What is your routine on giving (if you have one)? How much do you normally save from each paycheck? Do you invest your money into a retirement plan or in stocks or bonds? Consider explaining some of these opportunities for investment to your student. And when it comes to spending, are there practical ways that you try to limit what you spend that has been helpful to your family? Take the time this week to talk to your student about the wise use of money.


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