Rerouted - Tough Topics
Objective - Students will learn that God forgives those who repent and will be urged to repent of sin and receive God’s forgiveness.
Key Scripture - Jonah 3:8,9 - Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands. Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish?
Key Thought - Turn from sin and turn to God.
Lesson Summary - Our lesson today was the third lesson of a four-part series from the Book of Jonah called Rerouted: Lessons from a Reluctant Prophet. In this lesson, students were guided through the third chapter of the Book of Jonah. The main example from this section of Scripture is the people of Nineveh, and from this chapter, it was revealed that repentance is a powerful work of God.
Throughout the lesson, we compared repentance to fire. Fires need three things to exist: a spark, fuel, and oxygen. When oxygen is combined with a spark and the proper fuel, a reaction occurs that is visible for all to see and feel.
The fire of repentance is sparked by the Word of God, kindled by confession and faith, and real change is the air that makes it burn brightly and visible to others. All these elements are necessary for true repentance.
If it is possible, and you have a lawful and safe environment to do so, take the time to work with your student to start a fire using only primitive tools. As you attempt to start the fire, talk about the correlation between repentance and fire. If either of you needs to repent of sin to God, do so and pray together thanking God for His forgiveness.
(Disclaimer and warning: Fire is dangerous and should never be used in an unsafe manner or without the supervision of a mature adult. You should never light a fire without having the proper tools to extinguish that fire and the proper environment for lighting that fire safely. If you can’t light a fire in a safe manner approved of by the law, DO NOT USE THE SUGGESTION to light a fire from scratch.)
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