Rerouted - The Power of God's Grace and Mercy

Objective - Students will understand the gracious and merciful nature of God and will be challenged to cry out to God in times of desperation.

Key Scripture - Jonah 2:9 - But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.

Key Thought - God can save those who’ve sunk.

Lesson Summary - Our lesson today was the second lesson of a four-part series from the Book of Jonah called Rerouted: Lessons from a Reluctant Prophet. The lesson highlighted the power of God’s mercy and grace and had the topic of repentance as the main theme. We defined repentance as a “change of one’s mind or purpose.” 

Jonah’s prayer, while he was in the belly of the fish, was a desperate prayer of repentance. God delivered Jonah from the very edge of death by sending a giant fish to swallow him and preserve his life. The key thought from the message was that “God can save those who’ve sunk.” God’s grace and mercy can save absolutely anyone, no matter how far they’ve fallen into sin. He extends His grace and mercy to us no matter how far we’ve drifted. 

This lesson offers an opportunity to begin a conversation with your student about any type of repentance he/she has demonstrated as a response to the lesson. Take the time this week to talk about God’s grace and/or mercy. Share stories with your student about how you have personally experienced God’s grace and mercy.



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