Incompatible - Truth is not Relative


Objective - Students will learn about the nature of truth and will be challenged to live in accordance with the truth while lovingly speaking the truth to others.

Scripture - John 17:17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

Summary - This lesson was the second lesson of a four-part series on Apologetics called Incompatible: Defending the Faith Amid Disagreements. During this series, students will learn to defend their Christian faith with gentleness and respect. In this lesson, we covered the topic of Truth vs. Relativism.

 “Relativism” is defined as “the belief that morality is relative to the individual and there is no morally binding objective source of authority or truth above the individual.” While there is no denying the fact that some truths are subjective, there is objective truth in our world. This objective truth is not defined by any individual but is true regardless of anyone’s feelings.

To be clear, subjective truth is a claim regarding a dependent fact about the person making the claim, a matter of preference or taste. For example, “I think that chocolate is the best type of candy.” Objective truth is a claim regarding an independent fact about the world; something that is true no matter the circumstances. For example, “There are no square circles.”

The students learned that God is the Source of truth and that we should consistently live according to the truth and lovingly speak the truth to others.

You can help your student apply what they have learned through family discussions on the trending topics of today. Help them see that much of the world’s cultural movements are not based on biblical truth but on the false worldview of relativism. Open communication will help prepare your student to defend the truth (as defined in Scripture) against the deception of relativism. Take the time to search through the Bible to see what God has to say about the various topics that relativism is trying to redefine.


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