Incompatible - Tolerance in an Intolerant World
Objective - Students will learn
that they can respectfully disagree with someone and will choose to respond
with biblical truth and a Christ-like attitude.
Scripture - 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.
Summary - This lesson was the first of a four-part series on Apologetics called Incompatible: Defending the Faith Amid Disagreements. During this series, students will learn to defend their Christian faith with gentleness and respect. Your student is learning the importance of allowing the Lord to have first place in their hearts.
this lesson, we touched on the topic of tolerance and made a point to properly
define the word. Tolerance is “an allowance for the existence of beliefs or
practices differing from, or conflicting with, one’s own.” It is “the
willingness to recognize and respect the dignity of those with whom one
disagrees.” Students were challenged to let others see Jesus in themselves,
even when they do not agree with the beliefs or lifestyle choices of others.
can help your student to apply this lesson by drawing attention to their
actions and encouraging them when they are respectful and patient when
defending the faith. You can also help your student by praying with them to be
able to recognize opportunities to defend the faith. It takes courage to be
bold and respectful to others especially when they don’t agree, and your
encouragement will have a positive influence on your student’s ability to be
biblically tolerant, respectful, and kind.
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