Relationship Goals - Stick to the Plan


Objective - Students will grasp that God’s standard for a marriage relationship is to be between one man and one woman for life and will be challenged to view marriage the way God does.

Key Scripture - Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

Key Thought - Trust the Designer and stick to His plan!

Lesson Summary

Tonight’s lesson was the final lesson of a four-part series on relationships. The title of the series is Relationship Goals: Navigating with Wisdom. This lesson highlighted marriage. At their age, if teenagers are going to navigate marriage with wisdom, they must begin by understanding God’s design for marriage and choose to view marriage the way He does.

God made marriage to be a lifelong promise between one man and one woman in which each partner gives of themselves completely for the good of the other. The marriage relationship is designed to give us a beautiful picture of Christ and His church. 

We discussed the fact that marriage will not solve your problems; it is not for everyone, it is not a social construct, nor is it subject to change based on our feelings. We also discussed the fact that no marriage is perfect, but it is still commendable.

While God’s design is that marriage lasts a lifetime, we discussed the fact that if a marriage ends in divorce, we should acknowledge the facts, pursue forgiveness, and extend the grace of God to those who are hurting. We should choose to love others and treat them kindly no matter their marital status while also acknowledging the truth about God’s design for marriage. 

Finally, we encouraged the students to consider ways they can become faithful now in righteousness to set them up better for a potential marriage in the future. The students were challenged to:

1. Pray for themselves to become a godly person.

2. Pray for their future spouse (if God desires for them to be married) to become a godly person.

3. Pray for their own thinking, specifically that they will always trust the Designer and stick to His plan.


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