Guaranteed - A Sure Path


Objective - Students will learn the difference between walking in the light versus walking in darkness and will be encouraged to find their delight in following God.

Key Scripture - 1 John 1:7 - "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."

Key Thought - Delight comes from walking in the light.

Lesson Summary

Today’s lesson was the first of a four-week series called Guaranteed. This series is a book study of the New Testament Book of 1 John. The series is called Guaranteed because the Author of 1 John reminds us of several guarantees that we have from God. 

Today your student learned about the difference between walking in the light (a.k.a.: with God) and walking in the darkness (a.k.a.: in sin). We focused on three guarantees found in the first chapter of 1 John. 

No matter what we do, the holiness of God is guaranteed (1 John 1:5).

If we walk in the light, our fellowship with God is guaranteed (1 John 1:6-7).

If we walk in the light and confess our sins, our cleansing from sin is guaranteed (1 John 1:7-10).

Your student was challenged in this way: each day, when they open their eyes for the first time and the light of the morning floods in, they were asked to stop long enough to pray a simple prayer to God. Here is that prayer, “Dear God, help me to find my delight in You by walking in the light today.”

Take the time to read the first chapter of the Book of 1 John so you can better connect with the lesson that your student heard. Make a commitment to pray this prayer each morning as well.


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