Jail Break - Dominated by Sin?


Objective - Students will learn that they are set free from sin’s domination and be challenged to live in the freedom provided by Christ.

Scripture - Romans 7:24-25a O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?  I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Summary - Today’s lesson was the first lesson in a four-part series called Jail Break: Set Free From Sin. A simple definition of sin is this: anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God.

In this lesson, we discussed the fact that because we all have a sin nature, we are all dominated by our sin. In our own strength, we can’t defeat sin. It is only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that sin can be destroyed. He is the only way that we can be free of the domination of sin!

Your student was given three different techniques to fight against the sins that often tempt them. Those techniques are memorizing specific verses of Scripture, finding accountability from a trusted friend, and setting up safeguards to keep themselves from encountering temptation regarding that sin.

Have a conversation with your student about one or more specific sin issues that they want to be free from. It would be helpful for you to take the time to read Romans 7:15-25 so you will be familiar with the Bible verses that your student heard. The students were encouraged to write the words, “Sin will not dominate me, because I’m free!” on a card and keep it in a highly visible place. This week, when your student struggles with a specific sin, gently remind them that they don’t have to be dominated by sin, they can live in the freedom of Christ.              


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