Gone Viral - influential Service

Objective - Students will be introduced to the servitude of Christ and will be encouraged to serve both God and others while influencing others to do the same.

Key Scripture - John 13:15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.

Summary - Today was the third lesson in a four-part series called Gone Viral: Jesus is Always Trending. Ever since He rose from the dead, the message of Jesus Christ has “circulated rapidly” throughout the ages of time. Unlike the fads of today, Jesus is not just a trend that will one day fade away. Jesus is, and will always be, trending because He is the ultimate Trendsetter. Long before the phrase “gone viral” ever existed, Jesus led the way because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

This lesson focused on a narrative found in John 13:1-17. By washing the feet of His disciples, Jesus demonstrated the heart of a servant. Jesus’ actions influenced His followers to serve one another even when the task at hand was as lowly as washing someone’s feet.

Your student was encouraged not only to serve others but to also use the influence they have to encourage others to serve as well. They were challenged to choose one area this week where they will intentionally serve someone else. Ask your student what they chose as a service project for this week.

If they have not chosen one, make a point to find a service project for your family and have your student join you in that project. You could serve in the church, in your community, or even right there in your home. Whatever you do, do it with your student.

As a way to connect with the content of the lesson that your student heard, take time this week to read John 13:1-17. If possible, read it out loud with your student.


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