Gone Viral - A Humble Pic

 Objective - Students will learn about the humility of Christ and will be encouraged to follow His example of humility.

Key Scripture - Philippians 2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Summary - Today was the first lesson in a four-part series called Gone Viral: Jesus is Always Trending. Ever since He rose from the dead, the message of Jesus Christ has spread like wildfire throughout the ages of time. And make no mistake, Jesus is not just a trend that will one day fade away; Jesus is, and will always be, trending because He is the ultimate Trendsetter. Long before the phrase “gone viral” ever existed, Jesus led the way because He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

In this lesson, we looked at the “profile picture” that the Bible gives us of the Lord Jesus Christ. That “picture” can be found in Philippians 2:5-8. Specifically, we looked at how Jesus demonstrated humility by refusing to build a reputation for Himself, choosing to become a human, choosing to serve others, and allowing the humans He created to nail Him to a cross!

We challenged the students to intentionally be humble in one (or all three) of these ways.

Listening when others speak. Specifically, putting down their phone or game controller, looking the person who is talking to them in the eyes, and paying attention to what they are saying.

Apologizing for mistakes. Specifically, in their apology, they should make it personal and make it sincere; they should own their failure and seek forgiveness. Don’t say, “I apologize.” Say, “I was wrong. Will you forgive me?” If you are truly sorry, say, “I am sorry.” Don’t just say the word “sorry” or use the lame phrase, “I’m sorry that I offended you.”

Serving others. Specifically, look for ways to serve without being asked.

 Make a point to ask your student if they chose one of these areas to work on their humility or if they chose a different area. If possible, have a conversation with your student about ways you have failed to be humble in the past. Confirm with them that you are willing to work with them to help them be more like Jesus in the area of humility that they have chosen.


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