It's Game Time - Shine Up

 Objective - Students will learn the importance of their testimony and will be encouraged to use it to be a light in the world.

Scripture - Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Summary - Today’s lesson was the first in a four-part series on Christian basics called It’s Game Time: Working Together to Win. In this lesson, we focused on the importance of both sharing one’s salvation testimony and living in such a way that we truly are the light of the world (Matthew 5:16).

Every Christian has a story of when they trusted Jesus to rescue them from sin and how they have changed as a result of salvation through Jesus Christ. We call that story a testimony. When we share our story with others, it brings God glory and could help someone come to faith in Jesus Christ. Take the time to read Matthew 5:13-16 as a way to better understand what your student learned.

The question proposed to students this week was, “Will you live your life to shine for Christ?” It doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, your student learned a way to share their story in 15 seconds or less. If you have a salvation story, you can too. Simply fill in the blanks on the paragraph below.

The first two blanks should be words or phrases that describe your life prior to trusting Jesus as Savior. The second two blanks should be words or phrases that describe your life after trusting Jesus as Savior.

“There was a time in my life when I was _____________ and __________________.

Then I met Jesus and put my trust in Him. Now I am ____________ and ______________.

Do you have a story like this?”

Once you fill in the blanks, share your story with your student and allow them to share their story with you. Once you are comfortable with it, make a point to share that simple testimony with a friend and have a Gospel conversation with them.



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