It's Game Time - Pick up the Phone

Objective  - Students will learn that prayer should be natural for a follower of Jesus Christ and will be encouraged to cultivate continual communication with God through prayer.

Scripture - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

Summary - This was the second lesson of a four-part series on Christian Basics called It’s Game Time: Working Together To Win. In this lesson, we explored how to cultivate communication and connection with God through ceaseless prayer. Prayer is simply having a conversation with God. It is like a spiritual phone that lets us talk with God. God desires to hear our requests and listens to each one. We challenged the students to communicate with God continually through prayer.

By doing this, we are nurturing our relationship with Christ, which brings us true joy. We know that He desires for us to pray to Him, and He listens. He wants that relationship with us. For this, we can give our gratitude to Him in joyful prayers of thanksgiving. We can praise Him for who He is and what He has done for us. To better connect with the content of the lesson, make a point to read 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 and Philippians 4:6-7.

The question proposed to students this week was, “How are you going to communicate with God continually through prayer this week?” Here are some ways to help your student continue to grow, apply what they learned, and continue this conversation at home.

This week ask your student in what way(s) they are going to work on establishing the habit of praying ceaselessly.

Ask if you can help them accomplish this goal in any way.

Set aside time for your family to pray together.

Establishing the habit of praying all the time can take some time to develop, so encourage and praise your student when you see growth.


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