Basic Training - Wielding your Weapon Wisely

Objective - Students will learn the importance of using the Word of God appropriately and will be challenged to have a personal, daily quiet time.

Key Scripture - Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Summary - This lesson was the second of a four-part spiritual bootcamp series called Basic Training: Preparation for Spiritual Life. In this lesson, we addressed the need to develop a personal time with God reading His Word and talking to Him in prayer. Using examples from the military and the sport of fencing, we challenged the students to wield the Word (i.e., the Sword of the Spirit; the Word of God) wisely. Like both a soldier and a competitive sword fighter each prepare for battle by having consistent, daily training, each follower of Jesus must learn how to apply the Word of God in their own life on a consistent basis.

Students were challenged to make God’s Word a priority, read it, apply it to their lives, and continue in it daily. We recommended that they utilize either the print version of the Word of Life Quiet Time material or to download the Word of Life Quiet Time app on their device. They were also encouraged to find a spiritual “battle buddy” to hold them accountable in spending time with God in His Word daily.

Ask your student what tool they are going to use for their quiet time and share with them what tools you use. You can also offer to be the person who helps keep them accountable to reading, applying, and continuing in the Word of God.

Encourage your student to begin or deepen the discipline of a quiet time in their lives. Talk with your student about the value of spending time with God on a daily basis. Consider using a Word of Life Quiet Time yourself so you can discuss the same passages with your student. Regularly share what you have learned in your quiet time and ask your student what they have learned in theirs. Personal Quiet Times for all ages can be purchased at the following site below:

If you are interested in trying out to the Online Quiet Time yourself for free scan the QR Code below or click here


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