Social Media Matters - Parent Connection


Objective - Students will learn of social media’s influence on their lives and will be challenged to set standards with their online presence.

Key Scripture - Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.

Key Thought - Influence is inevitable.

Lesson Summary - This lesson is from our new four-week series called Tough Topics. In this series, we are dealing with several tough topics from a biblical perspective. The tough topic your student learned about tonight was the proper use of social media.

While the Bible does not talk specifically about this topic, your student learned a few great principles that can be directly applied to their online experiences: who they follow matters, what they view matters, and what they post matters. In each of these areas, there is potential to either be influenced or influence others, both for good and for bad.

Your student was encouraged to make the most of their time online, and not to waste this great opportunity they have to let their light shine and encourage others in the faith. They were given an opportunity to set standards with who they follow, what they view, and how many people they will encourage this week. This could be a great opportunity for you as a parent to come alongside your student and encourage them in this area of life.

If your student does not currently have social media accounts, help them set standards now in preparation for the future and discuss how the principles we talked about can be applied to any type of online experience. Whether they are watching YouTube videos or playing online games, they still can be aware of who is influencing them and who they are influencing in each of these communities.


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