Oral Hygiene - Parent Connection
Objective - Students
will learn how their words affect others and will be challenged to speak in a
way that honors God.
Key Scripture –
Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt word proceed out of your
mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to
the hearers.
Key Thought - Be
wise with your words.
Lesson Summary - This
lesson was the second lesson of a four-week series called Tough Topics. In this
series, we are dealing with several tough topics from a biblical perspective. Today, your student learned about a tough topic that is relevant to them
every single day, no matter the circumstance or situation. They learned about
their speech or the words they use among others.
They were encouraged to start by examining their heart,
understanding that their words are a reflection of who they are on the inside.
They learned that God can guard their mouth and keep them from spewing out
words that dishonor Him. Lastly, they learned to speak with a purpose and make
sure that all of the things they say honor God.
All of these points were illustrated through the use of
toothpaste. Ask your student why their words are like toothpaste. See what
responses they come up with and guide them to remember a few of the
correlations described in the lesson. For example, just like toothpaste cannot
be placed back in the tube, neither can our words be placed back in our mouths.
Also, just like a cap keeps toothpaste from spilling out, the Lord helps us
from spilling out unkind words.
Encourage them to use their words wisely as they use social
media, and to reflect on what they have already said. If your student did not
receive a small tube of toothpaste, it would be a good idea to get one for them
to carry around in their pocket for the next week to remind them that their
words matter!
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