Home Inspection - Full Disclosure


Objective - Students will learn that when they hide their sin, they expose their lack of integrity and they will be challenged to confess and forsake their sin.


Scripture - Proverbs 28:13 “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”


Key Thought - Hiding your sin exposes your lack of integrity.


Lesson Summary

This was the third lesson in a four-part series called Home Inspection: Is Your Foundation Strong? In this series of lessons, we’ve been talking about how to live a life consistent with biblical principles. In short, we’ve discussed how to live with integrity.

In this lesson, we discussed the miserable process of trying to hide sin. We discovered that “he who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” We shared two examples from the life of King David. At points in his life, he was very sensitive to his sin, but at others, he was very deceptive, even resorting to murder to try and hide his sin.

Your student may have sent you a message via text, email, or even a handwritten note that said, “I’m making a commitment that I will be open and honest with you.” If you received this message from your student, use it as an opportunity to begin a dialogue about confession of sin. Take the time this week to read Proverbs 28:13 with your student every day. Have a conversation about being honest with the God who sees all, knowing that when we sin, the most God-honoring thing we can do is to confess and forsake that sin.


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