Heart Attack - The Silent Killer


Objective  - Students will learn the destructive nature of bitterness and be directed to embrace the power of forgiveness.

Key Scripture - Hebrews 12:15 Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled.

Summary  - This was the second lesson in a four-part series called Heart Attack: Don’t Let Your Attitudes Harm You. The second attitude we discussed that attacks the heart was bitterness. We took the definition of bitterness and explained it using the story of Cain and Abel. “Bitterness” is defined as “a hostile disposition and a poisonous frame of mind that causes a person to brood, scowl, and become repulsive in demeanor.”

Cain developed a hostile disposition toward Abel because his sacrifice was rejected by God and Abel’s was accepted. Cain’s countenance fell, and he allowed his anger to turn into bitterness. Cain’s bitter attitude poisoned his mind and eventually caused him to kill his brother, a repulsive behavior.

Through the example of Cain, we helped your student understand the destructive nature of bitterness. We then directed them to the power of forgiveness because forgiveness is the best remedy for bitterness.

As a parent, ask yourself if you have done something or have said something to your student that has caused them to become bitter. Your actions and words have more influence on your student’s attitude than you realize. If God reveals something, take the first step and ask your student for forgiveness.


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