Growing Better by Hunting Treasure - Parent Connection


Objective - Students will understand that the Bible is valuable for their spiritual maturity and will be challenged to seek maturity through God’s Word.


Key Scripture - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


Key Thought - Don’t just show up, grow up.


Lesson Summary

Today's lesson was the second lesson of a four-part series called The Hunt: Discovering the Treasure of God’s Word. In this series, we are viewing God’s Word as a guide (like a treasure map or a compass) that leads us to the greatest treasures of life. This lesson focused on the treasure of spiritual growth and maturity that comes through the Bible.


Many people just find it good enough to just “show up” for religious things. In other words, they might go to church, pray, and/or read their Bible from time to time, but they are not growing up. They are not daily becoming more like Christ.


The Bible has the ability to produce this growth by challenging us, correcting us, and changing us. It challenges us by addressing our priorities and perspectives. It corrects us by showing us where we are wrong and how we can get things right. It changes us by focusing first on inward change and then outward change.


Your students were asked to make an assessment of their own lives. They were asked to consider questions like these:


        “What areas do you need to work on and maybe grow up a little?”

        “Have you been prioritizing some of the wrong things?”

        “What would keep you from committing to engaging with the Bible this week so that you can grow in your faith?”


They were then asked to pray about those questions and share their thoughts with their small group leader. You can help your students with spiritual growth by sharing biblical principles that have helped you to grow spiritually. This transparency can help them to see you as more relatable and approachable. Ask them to share what they learned from the lesson with you so that you can grow together.


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