Focal Point - Focus on Christ


Objective - Students will learn about the life-changing nature of a Christward focus and will be challenged to intentionally focus their minds on Jesus.

Key Scripture - Philippians 1:18 

What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.

Key Thought - Focusing on Christ will change your life.

Lesson Summary - Today we started the first lesson of a four-week study through the New Testament Book of Philippians called Focal Point: Living Life in Focus. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter from prison, but while so many things were going against him, he never lost focus on Christ. Instead, his focus on Christ allowed him to press on and share the Gospel with the Roman soldiers to which he was chained. Through his example and testimony, Paul encouraged the Philippian believers to focus solely on Christ and share in his purpose, joy, and strength regardless of any situation or challenge that may come their way. Your student has the opportunity to experience this same joy and fortitude through setting their focus on Christ instead of the things of the world. They were encouraged to spend more time in their weekly routine focusing on the Lord through prayer, reading God’s Word, and reading Christian books that teach more about Christ. Talk to your student this week about their spiritual disciplines and whether they are focusing on Christ or their surrounding circumstances. Maybe you could spend time with your student discussing what you both are learning from your daily time in God’s Word, or perhaps you
could both read a Christian book together.


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