But Should You?
Objective - Students will learn how to make wise entertainment choices and will be challenged to use biblical principles when choosing their entertainment.
Key Scripture - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Key Thought - Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
Lesson Summary - Tonight’s lesson was part of a four-part series called “Deal With It: A Biblical Approach to Tough Topics.” In each of the four parts of this series, we will discover the biblical approach to some rather difficult topics. In tonight’s lesson, we took the principles from Scripture and applied them to the topic of entertainment. As a parent, it would be good if you could follow up this lesson with a talk with your student about any guidelines they may personally have for the choices they make regarding entertainment. The students were challenged to create a filter for choosing their entertainment that was better than “I like this.” They were challenged to not just ask if they could but if they should participate in certain types of entertainment. While many times we ask the question, “What is wrong with it?” we challenged the students to ask five different questions that are all better questions than that:
1. Is anything about this activity clearly forbidden in the Word of God?
2. Will this activity tempt me to sin?
3. Will it show how much I love God and others?
4. Will this choice of entertainment build up others?
5. Will this choice of entertainment bring glory to God?
Engage in a conversation with your child about the topic of entertainment. If you don’t already have a filter in place, take the time this week to help your student develop a filter for his/her entertainment choices. Expecting your student to adopt the filter your family has in place is good, but help your student develop a personal, biblical filter for choosing entertainment choices.
For some fantastic parental advice on how to talk to your teens, scan the QR code below or visit https://axis.org/ for parent guides and to sign up for the free Cultural Translator email.
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