Is There More to Life?

Objective - Students will understand that obtaining possessions is a poor priority for life and will be challenged to let go of poor priorities so they can focus on Christ.

Key Scripture - Ecclesiastes 1:2

“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."

Key Thought - Possessions make a poor priority.

Lesson Summary - Tonight’s lesson was the first lesson of a four-part series called “Vanity Fair: The Cost of Wasting Your Life.” We began studying the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes. In this first lesson, we discussed the ideas of possessions.


We can get so caught up in the cycle of life that we find ourselves living with an earthly purpose instead of an eternal one. If we are not careful, we will make it our goal in life to attain and gain more stuff, status, and success. We want the students to learn the lesson that Solomon learned. That lesson is this: possessions make a poor priority


Solomon had everything anyone could ever want but discovered that all is vanity. Life is fleeting, and it is foolish to find our purpose in earthly possessions. Ultimately, this life is temporary. We were meant to live with an eternal purpose found only in following Jesus. He calls us to a better life; true life is found in Him.


Your student was given a card on which they were encouraged to write down one thing they could do this week to make sure that Jesus has the priority He deserves. Ask to see their card and encourage them to follow through. Consider making a decision yourself to give Jesus the priority He deserves.


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