Help Me. Help You.

Objective - Students will learn the importance of accountability and will look to engage in an accountability relationship.

Key Scripture -2 Corinthians 5:9 

"Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."

Key Thought - You don’t have to, you get to.

Lesson Summary - Today’s lesson was part of a four-lesson series called “The Basics: Simple Truth for Christian Living.” The four topics in this series discuss four basic truths for every follower of Christ. In this lesson, we established the importance of accountability in our lives, what it includes, and who can make a good accountability partner. We challenged the students to intentionally establish a relationship with someone for the sole purpose of challenging each other to live in a way that is pleasing to God.

Take some time this week to brainstorm with your student about how they can begin a relationship with someone who will help them be more like Christ. Talk about the ways that your student needs to grow and who could be the person to help them take steps to please God with their life.


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