Parent Connection - 12.5.2021


Where Do I Stand with God?

ObjectiveStudents will understand that justification is a result of salvation and be assured of where they stand with God.

Key Scripture - Romans 5:1 "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Key Thought - Justification is based on position, not condition

Lesson Summary - Today’s lesson was the second lesson in a four-part series called, “Forever: Never Alone Again.” The focus of this series is eternal salvation.

Through salvation, we are justified! When we place our faith in Jesus and His death for us on the cross, God declares us righteous in His sight and clears our sin record in Heaven. Justification is based on our position in Christ, not on our condition or behavior. Tonight, we clearly explained the concept of justification and helped the students understand how they can be declared righteous by God through faith in Jesus Christ.


Your student was challenged to take one of three steps to remind themselves of the powerful truth of justification:


1.    Tell someone that they trust Jesus Christ as Savior and have been declared righteous by God.

2.    Share the truth about justification with a friend who they know is struggling in their faith.

3.    Find the song “Who You Say I Am” on YouTube and listen to it several times throughout the week as a creative way to allow the powerful truth of God’s justification to seep into their hearts and minds.


Ask your student what he or she learned about this amazing truth of justification!


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