Parent Connection 7.18.21


How Can I Know That My Sins Are Forgiven?

Objective: Students will understand that forgiveness of sin is available and will be equipped to discuss this truth with others.

Key Scripture: Colossians 2:13-14

Key Thought: Freely forgiven and fully alive

Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was the final lesson in a four-part series on apologetics called, “Asking for a Friend: Questions You are Allowed to Ask in Church.” We have communicated to your teen that the church is a safe place to ask hard questions. The lessons are designed to help your teen apologetically. The word “apologetics” simply means “a defense for the Christian faith using reason and evidence.” Over the course of this study, we will be answering tough questions that people have been asking for centuries. 

Tonight, we tackled the question: “How can I know that my sins are forgiven?” In this lesson, your teen learned that he/she can be freely forgiven by trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We walked through the biblical themes concerning humans, sin, and salvation. Your teen learned that new life is available in Jesus and were challenged to trust Him as Savior. For those who have trusted Christ, they were equipped to have a conversation about how they know their sin is forgiven.

Talk with your teen about what it looks like to live a new life in Jesus. Help him/her think through what it would look like if he/she really lived as though he/she was freely forgiven.


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