Parent Connection 7.11.21
How Do I know The Resurrection Actually Happened?
Objective: Students will understand the evidence for the
resurrection of Jesus and will be challenged to share this evidence with
Key Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Key Thought: The evidence shows that Christ arose!
Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was
the third lesson in a four-part series on apologetics called, “Asking for a Friend: Questions You are
Allowed to Ask in Church.” We have communicated to your teen that the
church is a safe place to ask hard questions. The lessons are designed to help
your teen apologetically. The word “apologetics”
simply means “a defense for the Christian
faith using reason and evidence.” Over the course of this study, we will be
answering tough questions that people have been asking for centuries.
Tonight, we
tackled the question, “How Do I Know the Resurrection Actually Happened?” We
began by examining the evidence for the resurrection found in 1 Corinthians
15:3-8. These verses teach that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He rose again on the third day. They
also attest to the fact that there were several hundred eyewitnesses to His
resurrection. Among the witnesses was Paul, the author of the text.
We looked at
three pieces of evidence for the resurrection: the empty tomb, the eyewitnesses
to His resurrection, and the changed lives of the disciples following the
resurrection. We also discussed the lack of evidence to refute the resurrection
by discussing a few of the common tactics that are used to try to explain it
Ask your student
to share with you one or two of the evidences we examined concerning the
resurrection that they believe are the most convincing. Your student was
encouraged to share the truths of the resurrection with a friend or family
member this week. Ask your student which friend or family member they have
chosen and offer to have them practice sharing the truths of the resurrection
with you first.
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