Parent Connection - 6.20.21


Serving 101

Objective: Students will understand the biblical principle of serving and will be encouraged to serve God by putting the needs of others before their own.

Key Scripture: Matthew 20:28

Key Thought: Serve God by serving others.

Lesson Summary: This lesson was the fourth in a four-part series called “101: Back to Basics.” Tonight, we went back to the basics of serving. We looked at four questions regarding serving:

  • Why should we serve? To follow the example of Jesus, who was the perfect servant, and to glorify God
  • Who should we serve? God and others
  • How should we serve? With love, humility, and compassion
  • Where should we serve? Everywhere, but especially in the local church
We learned that Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). He served in many different ways to many different people. He was the perfect example of how to serve God by serving others.

We discussed that God has given gifts to each of His followers in order to serve Him and bring Him glory (1 Peter 4:10-11).

Your teen may not recognize the gifts God has given to them, but you might be aware of their gifts and can share your perspective with them. We encourage you to talk with your teen about what areas of service they might most enjoy. It may be something they could do within the church or the community, and maybe you could do it with them.

Take a few minutes this week to pray with your teen about the possibilities of serving God and others.


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