Parent Connection - 3.7.2021

 The Gift


Students will understand that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers to accomplish His will and they will be challenged to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit by serving others.


Key Scripture:

1 Peter 4:10



Key Thought:


We are Spirit-gifted to graciously serve.



Lesson Summary:

Tonight’s lesson was the third lesson in a four-part series called “Empowered by the Spirit.” During this series, your teen will be introduced to the Holy Spirit, Who He is, what He does, and how He provides the power for a Christian to live a godly life. 


In tonight’s lesson, we discussed spiritual gifts. We defined them as “God-given abilities, received at salvation, for the purpose of service in the church.” We recognized the differences between a spiritual gift and natural talents. We reminded the students that every believer has a spiritual gift and that they are given so God can be glorified, the saints can be equipped, and the church can be edified. We highlighted the fact that the Holy Spirit in us is a better gift than all of the spiritual gifts He has given to us. The best spiritual gift is the one being used by a person who is yielding to the Spirit to accomplish the will of God.

We challenged the students to make themselves available to help at the church for a specific amount of time. Ask your teen how they would like to use the gift they have been given for the glory of God. Maybe the two of you can serve together.


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