Parent Connection - 1.24.2021


Students will learn the true nature of the human condition and be challenged to humbly repent.

Key Scripture:

Romans 5:12



Key Thought:

We are all bad to the bone.


Lesson Summary:

Tonight’s lesson is the first of a four-part series on the topic of sin. Our series is called “Nailed: The Death of Sin.” We talked about how we are all “bad to the bone.” 


Grave Digger is the name of a monster truck with a reputation of being “bad to the bone.” But we have the same reputation; we all have a sinful nature and commit sin in our words, thoughts, and actions. Every infant, every teen, and every parent is bad to the bone, totally depraved. This doesn’t mean that we could never do any good thing. It simply means that every part of us is corrupted by sin - our wills, our minds, and our bodies. The bottom line is that we are not basically good people who occasionally do bad things. God helps us see that we are basically bad (evil) people - totally depraved. 


That was the bad news, but we didn’t leave your student with just bad news. We shared how Jesus came to save; He died for all of us who are “bad to the bone.” In this lesson, your student was challenged to admit his/her sinful condition to God and cry out to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation if they have not already done so. They were also challenged to give thanks for their salvation and to help someone else find freedom from sin. Lastly, they were encouraged to humbly and honestly share their struggles and temptations with sin with other Christians who could help them battle sin well. 


As you follow up with your student, let him/her know that you have similar struggles and you want to help him/her fight sin and please God. We are in this battle together. But remember that you, as the parent, are not only trying to protect your student from sin that is “out there” in the world (social media, bad friends, etc.) – the greater problem is sin in his/her heart. And for that, the only guaranteed solution is for God to change his/her desires. Pray hard that God helps him/her to desire Him more than the temptations of this world.


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