Parent Connection - 12.20.2020
Objective - Students will appreciate the significance of Jesus’ role as Prophet, Priest, and King and will learn how to confidently connect with Christ.
Key Scripture - Matthew 16:15-16
Key Thought - Confidently connect with Christ!
Lesson Summary -
This lesson was the first lesson in a four-part series called “Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King, Intercessor, Mediator, Man, Eternal God, Unchanging King, and so much more than you ever thought.” This is the first in a series of lessons exploring who Jesus was and is. In tonight’s lesson, your teen learned that Jesus fulfills three key roles from the Old Testament—Prophet, Priest, and King. Because He is all of these things, we can all confidently connect with Christ!
- Prophet – A prophet proclaims God’s Word to the people. We see Jesus doing this in His earthly ministry by calling people to repentance and challenging them to return in faithfulness to God. Jesus gives us a message of hope.
- Priest – A priest represents the people before God. In the Old Testament, priests offered sacrifices to cover Israel’s sin. Jesus acts as a Priest by representing us to the Father through His death on the cross. He offers freedom from sin.
- King – Jesus came to earth as its rightful Ruler. Through His death and resurrection, He has begun His rule and reign again. This is the good news that we are to proclaim. We have a secure future with Jesus as King.
Your teen was challenged to hear Jesus’ prophetic call, accept His perfect sacrifice for sins and give his/her complete allegiance to Jesus as King. Specifically, your teen was challenged to apply these roles of Christ to the area of temptation.
Work with your teen to help him/her develop a plan for listening to God’s Word for overcoming temptations.
If temptation defeats him/her this week, help him/her run to Jesus for mercy, grace, and forgiveness!
Finally, help him/her demonstrate allegiance to Jesus by living as a citizen of heaven here on earth!
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