Parent Connection - 11.29.2020

 Objective - Students will learn about Israel’s unbelief and be instructed to live by faith.

Key Scripture - Hebrews 3:12

Key Thought - The assassin of faith is unbelief.

Lesson Summary - Our lesson on Sunday was the second of a four-part series called “Delirium: Break the Cycle.” It’s a study in the Book of Judges about the sickening cycle of Israel’s rebellion and how God delivered them each time they repented.

This week we learned about a military general named Barak. In Judges 4, we saw how God used Barak to defeat the Canaanites. Unfortunately, he didn’t receive the honor for the victory because of his unbelief. Deborah, the prophetess, had to push Barak to obey God, remind him of God’s promise, and command him to get up and go fight for the Lord. Because of his unbelief, he did not act like much of a military general.

The study of Barak helped us understand that the assassin of faith is unbelief. In Matthew 13:58, we are told that Jesus didn’t do many miracles in His hometown. Do you know why? It was because of their unbelief. Mark 9:24 records the account of a dad who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus and cried out for Jesus to heal his son. The dad cried out, “Lord, help my unbelief.” According to Hebrews 3, The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years because of their unbelief.

Talk to your student about their faith to take God at His Word and live according to faith. Make the bold step to ask them if they are struggling with unbelief about God in any area. Find out their questions and don’t be afraid of those questions or doubts. If you don’t have an answer, take the time to find the answer. Ask the youth pastor, pastor, or someone else you trust to help you find the answers. 

Perhaps you could challenge your student to write down three promises of God and review them each morning. Make a point to ask your student about those three areas each day this week. Lead your student to stand firm in their faith and to lean on the promises of God.


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