Parent Connection - 10.4.2020


Objective - Students will be given logical and biblical arguments proving that abortion is morally wrong and learn how to show courageous compassion to those who disagree.


Key Thought - Life is valuable, not expendable!


Lesson Summary – This week, the students were given logical and biblical arguments proving abortion is morally wrong and were taught how to show courageous compassion to those who disagree. Our goal was to make sure the students recognized that God values all life, including the unborn. God sees all life as valuable, and not expendable, contrary to what the world would have our students believe. We examined three of the most common, though fundamentally flawed, arguments favoring abortion. We also presented the scientific evidence refuting each of the three arguments.


This subject of abortion brings with it a lot of emotions, especially for those who have had to face it personally; guilt, shame, and grief are all common responses. Rather than respond with hatred, violence, and condemnation towards those who have had abortions, in love we need to help them see that God’s forgiveness is always available. We should also be prepared to offer viable alternatives, such as adoption, for those who are personally considering abortion.


We want to encourage you to discuss this important subject with your student. Encourage your student to develop a perspective on abortion that is founded on the love and truth of the Bible. Discuss ways in which your family might be able to demonstrate compassionate care and the love of Jesus to someone in your community who may be contemplating an abortion.


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