Parent Connection - 10.11.2020


Objective - Students will understand the biblical perspective on Gender Dysphoria.


Key Thought ­­- You can’t reassign God’s design


Lesson Summary


We are in week three of our apologetics module series called “Deconstruction.” This week, we began a two-part lesson dealing with sex, gender, sexual identity, and gender dysphoria.


This is a topic that is getting a lot of press and your students are being confronted with it daily in their schools, social media, television and movies. How to think biblically about the topic is key to accepting God’s design for sexuality, including their own. Here are the key points from this week’s study:


               Biological sex is based on design, while gender, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all based on desire. You can’t reassign God’s design.

               Everyone has a biological blueprint as either male or female from the moment of conception; it is coded into your DNA. A person can alter their physical anatomy to mimic the opposite gender, but they cannot change their biological blueprint.

               Our biological blueprint has a Designer, who created you as either a boy or girl for His purposes and He declared his creation good. (Genesis 1:26-28; Psalm 139:15)

               The struggle with gender identity and gender dysphoria has more to do with disordered desires and feelings than with assigned anatomy.


There’s more than a good chance that your student will need help reconciling the daily messages that are bombarding them that encourage and celebrate sexuality choices and what they were taught today. Perhaps your student is struggling with confused feelings about their own sexual identity. Don’t avoid the conversation or condemn them; instead teach them the clear principles of sex and sexuality from God’s Word. Study this topic together using the truth of the Word of God as your guide.


If you would like more information on what was shared in this lesson please reach out to Pastor Josiah at


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