Parent Connection - 9.27.2020
Objective - Students will learn why there are many religions and be able to defend why there is only one way to God.
Key Thought - One way is the only way
Lesson Summary - “Do all religions lead to God?” Have you ever
been asked that question by a friend, or co-worker? Do you wonder that
yourself? It is one of the most important questions to ask, and the answer
literally makes an eternal difference.
In today’s
lesson, we took a quick tour (at 30,000 feet) of the various religious belief
systems in the world. We began by watching a short video, which is recommended
for your own viewing. It can be found here: (2:38).
It is logically
incorrect to believe all religions lead to God. All the different belief
systems cannot each be right. Therefore, which belief system is the right one?
All religions have, as part of their belief system, man’s effort to save
himself from the sinful wickedness of this world, whether categorized as the
occult, cults, or non-cults. The one exception is biblical Christianity.
Christianity is the only religion that teaches how man can do nothing to save
himself and needs salvation that is provided by God. The truth is that there
can be only one way and that way is Jesus (John 14:6). What God says in His
Word can be trusted.
Invest some
time with your student to find resources online to strengthen your apologetics
skills. Role-play a few scenarios requiring you to use what you’ve learned to
defend your faith.
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