Parent Connection - 8.30.2020


Objective - Students will learn the differences and similarities between the local church and the universal Church and will be encouraged to be involved in the church.

Key Scripture - Matthew 16:18

Key Thought - It’s not where you are, but what you are.

Lesson Summary - Today, we began a four-week series called “The Church: All In.” In this series, your student will learn about the benefits and responsibilities of belonging to a “church.” During this week’s lesson your student learned the difference and similarities between the local church and the universal church, and we encouraged them to be involved in the church. We worked through three simple points to help them view what the church is and how they can be part of it. Here were the main points of the lesson.

I.             The Truth about the Church

II.            The Significance of the Universal Church

                The universal church = all believers everywhere (past, present, and future)

III.           The Importance of the Local Church

                The local church = a gathering of believers in your area

Your student was asked to first check their heart and make sure they are born again and are part of the body of Christ, the church. The students were also encouraged to consider how they can be the church. The church is much more than a building; it’s not where you are, but what you are.

Take some time today to work through the outline above for yourself and share your own “church” story/journey with your student. Commit to sharing your passion for your local church with your student. It may be advantageous to talk with your student about how you as a family could “be the church” as opposed to just “going to church.”


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