Parent Connection - 12.22.2019

Never Lift Alone

Objective: Students will recognize their God-given authorities and be challenged to submit to them.

Key Scripture: Titus 3:1

Key Thought: Submitting to authority shows spiritual strength.

Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson is the third of a four-part series called “Training Days.” This lesson specifically challenged students to recognize their God-given authorities and honor God by submitting to those authority figures. Using the idea of the spotter who helps someone in weight training, we challenged your student to both identify who his/her authority figures are and recognize the authority they have. Your student was challenged to view his/her authority figures as “spotters” trying to help with spiritual strength and not someone trying to crush them with the weight of rules and regulations. At the end of the lesson, your student was challenged to pray for one authority figure every day this week and, if willing, let that authority figure know that he/she is praying for him/her.

Here are some ways you could help reinforce this lesson.

  1. Ask your student who the authority figures are in their life.
  2. Share a personal experience about learning to listen to your authorities or perhaps how you have handled issues with authorities who you didn’t get along with very well.
  3. Encourage your student to listen to their teachers and coaches this week.
  4. Ask them questions throughout the week about how they have interacted with these authority figures. 
  5. Choose an authority figure that both you and your student can pray for every day this week.


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