Elevate Sunday - Parent Connection - 11.6.2019
The Great Reconciler
Objective: Students will understand that Jesus Christ is
the great Reconciler and be challenged to live in harmony with God and others.
Key Scripture: Ephesians 2:19
Key Thought:
Jesus can reconcile you because He died for you.
Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was the third of a four-part
series called “Filthy Forever
Rich: Finding True Wealth” and focused on reconciliation. When two people
are at odds with each other, the goal should be to bring both back into harmony.
We call this reconciliation. Reconciliation is a change of relationship from
hostility to harmony and from enmity to peace between two parties. Tonight, we
tried to explain to the students that we can experience reconciliation with God
and with others because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. In the lesson,
we discovered some of the great riches that we have in Christ. Jesus Christ is
our pardon, our peace, and our possession.
We started the
lesson by working some IQ Puzzles. The IQ puzzles we used were the ones that
have two twisted pieces of metal that somehow fit together. The goal was to fit
the two pieces together (reconcile the pieces) and solve the puzzle. These two
pieces are disconnected and therefore in disharmony until someone solves the
puzzle and connects the pieces in harmony.
We are in
disharmony with God because of our sin. We do not have the ability to connect
with a holy God. There is no way for us to remove the enmity with God and have
harmony with God because of sin! Reconciliation must first start with being
reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Out of that should flow a desire to be
in harmony and peace with others. How do you reconcile a relationship that has
disharmony or enmity? We gave your student four words to ponder as they seek
reconciliation in a relationship.
Responsibility – Take responsibility and initiate forgiveness.
2. Humility –
Approach the other person with a sincere desire to be reconciled.
3. Unity –
Nothing speaks louder of the love of God than unity among God's people.
4. Love – Show
unconditional love even when they do not want to reconcile.
We challenged
the students to write down the name of the person with whom there is
disharmony. Next to their name, they wrote down why there is disunity. We then
asked them to pray and ask God to show them where they are wrong and ask Him to
give them the strength and humility to reconcile with that person.
Some of the
students may have written down their parent's name. Do you have harmony or
disunity with your teenager? If you have harmony, thank God, but if not, take
the initiative and go to them now and reconcile!
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