Elevate Sunday - Parent Connection - 10.30.2019

The great portrait of Salvation

Objective: Students will gaze upon the great portrait of salvation and be reminded to put it on display by walking in good works.

Key Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-5

Key Thought: You are born broken but not forsaken!

Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was part two of a four-part series in the Book of Ephesians. Our series is called Filthy Forever Rich: Finding True Wealth.” The greatest portrait for you to look upon was painted by the Apostle Paul, not using paint and paint brushes, but by using words inspired by God Himself. You can go to the Louvre and gaze at the Mona Lisa, but it won't change your life; however, you can gaze at the great portrait of salvation and your life will never be the same. It will change you! You will discover that you are born broken but not forsaken! What you just read was the main point of tonight’s lesson. It was a salvation message as well as a reminder to those who are saved to gaze upon our Savior. We noticed man’s sinfulness (Ephesians 2:1-3), God’s compassion (Ephesians 2:4-9), and man's forgiveness (Ephesians 2:10).

God wants to put His Son on display through our lives! Realizing that we are born broken but not forsaken should motivate us to walk in good works and put on display the great picture of salvation! We asked the students these questions:

“Are you only going to take a glance at this great picture of salvation and ignore it, or are you going to gaze at this great picture of salvation and realize that because of your sinful condition you are in need of a Savior?”

“Are you willing to accept that God loves you with the riches of His mercy and grace and receive the gift of salvation?”

Each student was challenged to think about salvation and their need for a Savior. Make time this week to talk to your teen. When you do, ask them to share with you their salvation testimony. You might need to ask if they know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Maybe you need to ask yourself that question! Take out your phone and open the calendar. Add a daily reminder that reads GAZE AND PRAISE. In the description, remind yourself to give praise to God for your salvation. Set the reminder to go off at a set time every day. Gaze and praise your salvation for thirty days. If he/she has not already done so, have your teenager do the same!


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