Elevate Sunday - Parent Connection - 10.27.2019


Objective: Students will learn what generosity is and how they can implement a generous lifestyle.

Key Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:7

Key Thought: All of us can be generous.

Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson is part of a four-week series on Christian basics called “simple: basic truth for a complicated world.” Each of the lessons in this series deals with a simple truth that every follower of Jesus should understand. Tonight’s lesson dealt with generosity.

Generosity is defined as “readiness or liberality in giving.” A good way to review this with your student is to ask what they think it means to give liberally, or readily. We focused on the truth found in 2 Corinthians 9:7 which also deals with our attitude toward giving.

Relate generosity to their everyday life. For example, if they are involved in sports how can they have a generous heart toward their teammates, coaches, and others in the field of play? At home, how can an attitude of generosity affect everyday tasks? At the end of the lesson, each student was challenged to have a plan for this week to be generous in one way. Ask your student about that plan to be generous and work with your student to accomplish that plan. All of us can be generous.


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