Elevate Sunday - Parent Connection - 10.23.2019


Objective: Students will understand that believers are rich in Christ and be confident in their salvation.

Key Scripture: Ephesians 1:7

Key Thought: You are rich in Christ and you can bank on it!
Lesson Summary: Tonight, we started a new module series called Filthy Forever Rich: Finding True Wealth.” It is a study on the first three chapters of the book of Ephesians. The book of Ephesians expresses the richness we have in Christ as believers. The key phrase in Ephesians is "in Christ" which appears about thirty-five times. “In Christ” simply refers to our salvation. If we are saved, we are in Christ; therefore, we are rich. The lesson explained from the text that we are rich because God has chosen us, adopted us, and promised us His inheritance.

We are rich in Christ and we can bank on it because it is God's purpose and pleasure to bless us with all spiritual blessings. God has promised us an inheritance that is far greater than any riches the world has to offer. The world’s riches will pass away, but the riches of God’s inheritance will last forever. There is absolutely no question that we are rich in Christ. We are His and He is ours. We are rich in Christ and you can bank on it.

We are spiritually rich, so we stop living like we are spiritually poor. The spiritually poor live in doubt. The spiritually poor also live in defeat, and unfortunately, the spiritually poor live in discouragement. Living this way will keep us from enjoying the spiritual riches we have in Christ.

As a parent, you know your teenager better than anyone else. If your teenager is struggling with doubt, defeat, or discouragement, challenge them to think about who they really are in Christ. Have them write down fifteen blessings they have because of being in Christ. (Here are ten found in Ephesians 1:3-14: adoption, acceptance, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, seal of the Holy Spirit, life, grace, citizenship. You may have to help them remember these.) Think about all the spiritual blessings (riches) you have in Christ. At dinner this week, have each person at the table share three blessings they wrote down or can think of because of being in Christ.


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