Elevate Sunday - Parent Connection - 9.22.2019

Batter Up

Objective - Students will learn how to do an effective quiet time which will assist in their personal spiritual growth.

Key Scripture - Joshua 1:8

Key Thought - Don’t just know the Word, obey the Word.

Lesson Summary - Our lesson tonight is part of a series called “Game Plan: A Strategy for Spiritual Growth.” In tonight’s lesson, we learned how to hit a homerun with our quiet time. Spending time in God’s Word is essential for our spiritual growth. In fact, if your way is going to be prosperous, and if you are going to be successful, you will need to meditate on God’s Word every day. We learned that was what God instructed Joshua who was the leader of Israel conquering the Promised Land.

Christianity Today released an article several years ago that stated that only 19% of churchgoers personally read the Bible every day, 18% said that they rarely read the Bible and only 22% said they read the Bible once a month on their own. Hopefully that’s not true of you as a parent. Your student will follow your example. It would be good for them to see you do your quiet time, and even better for you to help, or at least encourage, them to do theirs.

We showed the students how to do an effective quiet time. We used a Quiet Time Handout to help your students understand how to “hit a homerun” in their quiet time. Be sure to ask your student to see their Quiet Time Handout. Below is an outline of the process we used to help them when they read a verse or passage of Scripture. As you can see below, we used the baseball diamond as an analogy. Our prayer is that it will help you and your student to hit a homerun with your quiet time.

Batter’s Box: Hitting the ball in play = Prayer: aligning your heart with God’s.

First Base: Getting a hit = Decide on a plan and set a quiet time goal.

Second Base: Beating the throw = Marking the passage.

Third Base: Rounding third and headed for home = Inspecting the passage.

Home Plate: Scoring a run = Making an application.

The point is, you pray and ask God to give you understanding, follow your plan, learn what the verse says, and then make some personal application. In keeping with our baseball analogy, you hit a homerun with your quiet time. Don’t just know the Word, obey the Word.


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