Elevate Sunday Follow Up - Lesson 45

Dear Parents,
Hello again! We’re on week 45 of The Thread, and I’ve loved the conversations that have been happening in our group. I hope your teenager has been enjoying it. This week’s lesson was entitled “A Letter from Paul, Part 1 (Romans).” It was all about understanding that we are all sinners and that our sin condemns us. But, we were reminded that there is salvation through faith in Jesus. Students were challenged to examine how effectively their lives bear testimony to their faith.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Romans 3:23, 6:23, 10:9-10
  • Matthew 10:32-33

You’ll enjoy reading these powerful passages that help us understand God’s free gift of salvation that comes through Jesus and what it means to trust in him.

Next Steps . . .
During the week, set aside a few moments to discuss these questions with your teenager:
·         What is the gift that God has given us through Jesus? How is that different from what we deserve?
·         What does it mean to publicly acknowledge Jesus, and why was it so important to Him they His followers did so?
·         What are some real examples of how we can publicly acknowledge Jesus by what we say and do?

I hope this resource is a useful tool for you and your student. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me.


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