Elevate Sunday Follow Up - Lesson 42

Dear Parents,
This week in our continued look at the big-picture story of the Bible, we are talking about the early church. Church today looks super-different than it did 2,000 years ago. Yet, there are many aspects that were central to the church then that are just as central to the church today.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
·         Acts 2:42-47
·         1 Corinthians 1:18-24

We talked about how the church is a place where we do fun stuff like play dodgeball, have potlucks, and vote on carpet (OK, not really that last one) . . . but that those aren’t the things that caused the church to grow so dramatically! Only the Gospel can do something like that, because it offers something that you can’t get anywhere else.

Next Steps . . .
During the week, set aside a few moments to discuss these questions with your teenager:
·         What are the reasons you like going to church?
·         What are some ways that church is different from any other place you go?
·         Who is someone you can invite back with you next week, and how can you invite them?

I hope this resource is a useful tool for you and your student. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me.


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