Elevate Sunday Follow Up - Lesson 40
In this
week’s lesson, we focused on the Great Commission that Jesus gave the disciples
when He appeared to them after the resurrection. Students looked at Jesus’ call
to share the Gospel with the world, and the promise that the Holy Spirit
empowers them to be Christ’s messengers of the Gospel.
These were
some of the last words that Jesus spoke before He ascended into Heaven.
Together, we looked at the fact that this command was given not only to the
disciples, but to us as well. Jesus made it clear that even His followers who
did not see Him in the flesh would share in the blessing of carrying His good
news to a lost and dying world. The best part? He also promised that we would
not do it alone! The Holy Spirit empowers and equips believers to continue the
work of Christ until He returns.
looked at the following Scripture passages:
John 20:19-29
Acts 1:1-11
Matthew 28:18-20
Next Steps . . .
As a part of our
discussion, students were encouraged to think about how our church works to
fulfill the Great Commission. But, perhaps even more important, we encouraged
them to think about how they personally are being used by the Spirit to make disciples.
Perhaps you can encourage
your child by telling them how you have seen the Holy Spirit work in them to
reach others. Are they especially friendly, compassionate, or discerning? It
can be very encouraging to point out when you see God using someone to
influence others toward Him. Not there yet? That’s okay, pray for God to show
your child how they can be used by Him, and how you can model that for them in
your own lifestyle of disciple making.
Consider asking your child
the following:
What would it look like if our family were a
Great Commission family?
How can we do a better job of making disciples
and teaching God’s commands in our circle of influence?
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