Elevate Sunday Follow Up - Lesson 30

Dear Parents,
This week we covered lesson 30 in our one-year look at the big picture story of the Bible.  We discovered what it looked like when Jesus called the disciples to give up their day jobs and follow Him completely. They responded in complete obedience, and went on to become Jesus’ closest friends. He gave them a specific command to be “fishers of men,” and explained to them that they were going to need help. We still share that same call today. We are the “fishers of men” now and there are still plenty of fish in the sea who have not yet put their trust in Christ. Our students were challenged to evaluate whether this has been a priority in their lives, and brainstorm a simple way to share their faith.
We looked at the following Scripture passages:
·        Matthew 4:18-22
·        Matthew 9:35-38

Next Steps . . .
Have you ever considered your responsibility to be a fisher of men? Can you think of someone that you know that needs to hear the message of Christ? This can be an intimidating thing, but it is what Jesus calls us to do. Consider asking your child to share with you the three simple phrases he or she constructed that can be used to share the Gospel. Try these conversation starters:
·        So, I’ve been thinking about sharing the Gospel with ___________, and I heard you might have an easy way I could use to do that. Can you tell me about it?
·        Is there someone you can think of that needs the Gospel?
·        Does the idea of sharing Christ with others make you feel excited or scared?

Share with your child how you feel about this. Are you an evangelistic explosion, or does it scare you stiff? Kids appreciate honesty. It only takes one conversation to open the door. Consider making a pact with your child that you will both try to make that a greater priority with the people God has placed around you.


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