Elevate Sunday Follow Up - Lesson 27

Dear Parents,
We’re having a great time studying The Thread. We’re more than halfway through our study of the big-picture story of the Bible. Our conversations have been great, and we love having your student in our group. 

We started the New Testament this week with a great discussion about the birth of Jesus. The big idea was that people search for salvation from a variety of sources, but we know that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
·         Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-21
·         Matthew 1:18-25
·         Acts 4:12

If you get a chance this week, read the passages we studied and reflect on the amazing truth of Jesus’ miraculous birth.

Next Steps . . .
During the week set aside a few moments to discuss these questions with your teenager:
·        I know in your lesson you discussed that the purpose of Jesus’ birth was so He could rescue people from their sins. How does that truth influence the purpose of our family?
·        What are kids your age looking to be saved from? What do they believe will save them?
·        It’s easy to look for something besides Jesus to save us. What are some ways that our family might be tempted to look for salvation from somewhere else?

I hope this resource is a useful tool for you and your student. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me.


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