Elevate Sunday Follow Up - Lesson 21

Dear Parents,

Hello again! We’re continuing in our study of The Thread, where we trace the Gospel throughout the big-picture story of the Bible. This week’s lesson was a really awesome time of fellowship and discussion. I hope your student enjoyed it.

This week, the lesson was entitled “The Divided Kingdom,” and it focused on helping students see that because of sin and pride, God’s chosen people created a devastating rift among themselves. We challenged students to define what it practically looked like to bring their burdens to Jesus, and to live under his “yoke.”

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
        2 Chronicles 9:29-10:19
      Matthew 11:28-30

You’ll be reading these powerful passages that describe the catalyst event that led God’s people into a divided kingdom, and how following Jesus leads to rest and true life.

Next Steps . . .
During the week set aside a few moments to discuss these questions with your teenager:
      In this week’s lesson, your student learned about bad leadership and its effects on people. Please spend some time sharing with your student an experience you had with bad leadership, and how it effected you.
      In our study, your student learned about the importance of seeking advice from others. Spend some time sharing with your student how you have sought advice from others and how it has helped you.
      In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus speaks of rest and true life that are found in him. Spend some time praying with your student that both of you would find rest from your burdens and struggles in Jesus.

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.


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