Elevate Happenings

Good morning!

A few reminders..

Tomorrow (December 19) is our ESM Christmas Party from 6-8pm. We're asking students to bring a wrapped gift ($5 or less) for the White Elephant Game. We will have punch & cookies for snack. Also, there will be an Ugly Christmas Sweater competition, the tackier the better!

Our New Year's Eve lock-in is right around the corner. It's December 31-January 1 from 8p-8a. Please have your student sign up, upstairs in the Loft.

The following two Wednesdays, (December 26 & January 2) there will be no Wednesday evening activities, please take this time to spend time with family.

SAVE THE DATE: Winter Camp 2019 February 15-18 - More details to come!
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


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